Every Country Where Sharks Have Taken Over In Under Paris (Not Just France)

Every Country Where Sharks Have Taken Over In Under Paris (Not Just France)


  • The shark threat in “Under Paris” expands beyond the city, endangering the entire world.

  • From London to Bangkok, major cities are now infested with aggressive sharks seeking prey.

  • The closing credits imply a global crisis, in which sharks are spreading to all corners of the world.


Netflix’s over-the-top shark thriller Under Paris has proven hugely popular thanks to its unlikely combination of shark attacks and Parisian culture, but the film’s ending hints that the next installment of the story may expand the action beyond the City of Light. In Under Paris‘In the end, it is revealed that the terrifying shark that has been stalking the murky waters of the Seine is just the tip of the toothy iceberg that threatens to crash into the world’s biggest cities. While the magnitude of the threat is not immediately clear, Under ParisThe credits scene makes clear the extent to which humanity is now in danger.

After the revelation that the story’s central shark, Lillith, is capable of asexual reproduction, the Under Paris The cast, led by Sophia (Bérénice Bejo), begins to realize what is at stake. Not only must they race against time to save the Paris Triathlon participants from a gruesome fate, but the discovery of Lillith’s nest means potentially the entire world is at risk. After the literally explosive Under Paris As the ending winds down, the true extent of the problem becomes clear, with the film’s end credits scene explaining where the ever-expanding swarm of sharks plan to swim next.

7 Paris – France

Sharks are spreading through the city


Since the majority of Under Paris‘ takes place in the French capital, it almost goes without saying that the killer fish are now in complete control of the city. While the presence of the shark in the Seine was a threat, as demonstrated by the triathlon massacre, the situation at the end of the film is now even worse. As the epicenter of the outbreak, Paris is effectively ground zero for the global shark attack.

Under Paris It is now available on Netflix.

As described in the Under Paris In the credits sequence, the huge waves generated as a result of World War II bombs exploding under the river have helped the sharks spread throughout the city. This means they are even less manageable than before the authorities’ misguided attempts at containment. While the full extent of the shark’s Parisian presence is unclear, it is obvious that they are now more widespread than ever.

Sophia face to face with Lillith in Under Paris
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6 London – United Kingdom

Paris was the first European capital to fall

Shark invasion spreads across London in Under Paris finale

What is most alarming for the prospective future of the Under Paris franchise is that the film’s credits scene revealed that the shark threat is already too far away to be contained. A series of detailed maps following intricate waterways explain how several major capital cities are now infested with aquatic super predators, creating a serious problem for the world’s population. Due to its proximity to Paris, London is the first conurbation that stands out.

He Under Paris The credits show how the River Thames has become a highway for shark activity. Beyond this, however, the film reveals how specific canals and waterways have been overrun by sharks, making them a problem beyond the city center. Areas such as St Katherine’s Docks and the Isle of Dogs are also highlighted, indicating the extent of the problem in some of London’s major shopping centres.

5 New York – United States

The threat spreads across the Atlantic

Sophia face to face with Lillith in Under Paris

Not content with consolidating their position in London, Under Paris He goes on to explain how sharks also swam across the Atlantic, threatening the United States. In some ways, this is not surprising. The marine environment not only favors predatory fish, but also reproduces part of the journey that Lillith undertook to reach Paris.

Like London and Paris, New York is a city defined by its river. As the credits illustrate, the Hudson runs through the heart of the metropolis, providing the perfect highway for hungry sharks. While the extent of its presence is unclear, the graph suggests that Manhattan is potentially completely isolated, providing a potentially exciting scenario for a Under Paris continuation.

4 Bangkok – Thailand

The sharks go on an epic journey

Woman swallowed by jumping shark in Lower Paris

Given the distance Lillith travels to get from the North Atlantic garbage patch to Paris, Under Paris She has already made it clear that she and her young are more than capable of swimming enormous distances in search of suitable prey. However, while getting from the North Atlantic to Paris is a relatively ordinary achievement for a migratory fish, the revelation that sharks are capable of reaching Thailand is truly impressive.

…Bangkok is a particularly suitable home for the new species, perhaps due to the relative warmth of its waters and the high human population.

Yeah Under Paris‘The title cards are to be interpreted chronologically, the film implies that Bangkok was the sharks’ next target after New York City. Assuming they find a way to navigate the Panama Canal, this means traveling more than 12,000 nautical miles, a journey that would take the average ship about 50 days (via Ports). Given these impressive statistics, it follows that Bangkok is a particularly suitable home for the new species, perhaps due to the relative warmth of its waters and its high human population.

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3 Venice – Italy

Canals create perfect habitat for sharks

Shark fins emerge from the waters of the Seine at the end of Under Paris

Leaving aside possible problems with Under Paris‘ outrageous premise, if filmmakers had carte blanche to create a city perfectly suited to sharks, they would have a hard time inventing something as fish-friendly as Venice. Located in the middle of a lagoon and inundated by a labyrinth of waterways and canals, the city seems almost designed for the type of sharks shown in Under Paris. As a result, the historic city is perhaps the main human habitat most at risk of shark attacks.

As the credits chart shows, Venice’s semi-aquatic status means that virtually nowhere is safe in the city. The interconnected network of canals makes it easy for them to travel at will, presumably putting both Venetians and tourists at considerable risk. Another factor is that Venice is known for relying on its waterways for transportation, meaning that unlike Paris, where the triathlon was the only real threat to people, it is almost impossible to escape the water in Venice.

2 Tokyo – Japan

Taking control of Tokyo proves that nowhere is safe

If arriving in Thailand wasn’t impressive enough, the shark’s reported arrival in the Japanese capital highlights the fish’s ability to adapt and its incredible feats of endurance. Being as far away from Paris as possible, the presence of sharks in Japan shows that nowhere is out of reach. As in other riverside cities, its existence means problems for the population.

Such a spectacle would be an incredible set-up for a sequel and would also demonstrate the incredible potential power of this new dominant species.

Historically, Tokyo’s Sumida River has played a major cultural role in Tokyo. In particular, the river hosts one of the most famous fireworks shows in the world, which is launched every year from barges in its center. Such a spectacle would be an incredible set-up for a sequel and would also demonstrate the incredible potential power of this new dominant species.

A great white shark with its mouth open in front of the image of a clock.
Related The release of Netflix’s new Shark movie couldn’t have been better timed

Under Paris, the new shark attack thriller on Netflix, and there’s an upcoming real-world event that proves it was released at the perfect time.

1 The world

The end credits of Paris imply that there is no hope


Although Under Paris It only mentions six cities by name, other details suggest that the shark threat is truly a global problem. Without going into details, the film reveals how sharks are not only affecting the cities mentioned, but have, in fact, spread to all corners of the world. In essence, this means that all countries are affected.

A global map reveals that the red lines that help track sharks have now covered the entire planet. It’s fair to assume that as much as a zombie infestation could hit all population centers, any place that has a body of water is now an easy target for sharks. Considering that planet Earth is made up of 70% water, this means that there are relatively few places where killer fish are not present. As a result, although Under Paris has an understandable French flavor, any future follow-up story will have to include a more global perspective, assuming the final map is accurate.

Fountain: Ports

Under Paris movie poster

Under Paris (2024)

Director Xavier Gens Release date June 5, 2024 Cast Berenice Bejo, Nassim Lyes, Léa Léviant, Anaïs Parello, Iñaki Lartigue Duration 101 minutes

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