All 14 Classes Taught At Hogwarts In Harry Potter, Ranked


  • Some Hogwarts classes are more enjoyable and necessary than others, like Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures.
  • The appeal of Hogwarts classes is subjective, influenced by real-world interests and professors’ teaching abilities.
  • Classes like Divination, History of Magic, and Muggle Studies have varying usefulness and engagement levels.



Throughout the Harry Potter books, the story confirms that there are more than a dozen classes taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, some of which are more enjoyable than others. Some classes are simply necessary for survival, such as Defence Against the Dark Arts, while others are more obscure but no less captivating, like Care of Magical Creatures. A surprising number of classes don’t involve performing any actual magic, but studying the magical effects of natural phenomena. The curriculum at Hogwarts is rich and varied, full of fascinating and magical subjects, but some are undeniably more important (and interesting) than others.

To a degree, Harry Potter fans are forced to come to their own conclusions about which Hogwarts classes sound the best, as they are consuming the story from the perspective of the real world. Descriptions like “magical math” or “magical gardening” give the reader a sense of which subjects they would like based on what they like learning in real life. Most classes’ enjoyability and usefulness is strongly affected by who the best Hogwarts professors are. However, based on the overall perception of the characters in Harry Potter, it is still evident that certain classes are generally better than others.




Defense Against the Dark Arts


Defensive instruction against dark magic and creatures



Spellwork of transforming one thing into another, including human transformations



Spellwork of magical effects on things and people; covering all spells not categorized under another subject



Preparation of pseudo-chemical concoctions that will produce magical effects



Study of magical plants, including care and their uses



Study of the stars and planets and their magical influences

History of Magic


Covering significant historical events of the Wizarding World

Care of Magical Creatures


Study of magical creatures, including instruction in care and safety



The practice of discerning the future from certain magical phenomena



The study of the magical properties of numbers

Ancient Runes


Language class on the alphabet used by Bronze & Iron Age wizards

Muggle Studdies


The study of non-magical culture and technology


Supplementary course

One-off course taught to first-years on the basics of flying


Supplementary course

12-week course offered by the Ministry of Magic to sixth and seventh years on Apparition, the ability to travel instantly from one location to another; necessary to obtain an apparition license

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14 Divination

Taught By Professor Sybil Trelawney


In Divination, students learn how to use crystal balls, tea leaves, dreams, and other tools to gather insights into the future. On paper, it sounds amazing, although some may be concerned about the implications of knowing the future. It is also perhaps not concrete enough to be extremely useful. Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall had reservations about Divination as a subject, given its abstract nature. In Harry Potter, a few select students seem to have an aptitude for it, while many greatly respect Professor Trelawney. However, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all hated the class and never took Trelawney’s predictions seriously.

13 History Of Magic

Taught By Professor Cuthbert Binns


History of Magic is exactly what it sounds like: the study of magical history, with a focus on remembering dates, names and events. The class is taught by the ghost of Professor Binns who, according to Hogwarts folklore, simply failed to realize that he was dead and continued on teaching as if nothing happened. This class also probably could be interesting, but most Hogwarts students detest it due to Binns’ teaching, with his droning voice making the class the most boring one offered. It requires an enormous amount of effort from the students to make the material engaging or worthwhile.

12 Muggle Studies

Taught By Professors Charity Burbage & Alecto Carrow


Another subject whose title speaks for itself, Muggle Studies is the study of the lives of Muggles (non-magical folk). It covers elements of the non-magical world largely absent from the Wizarding World, such as electricity. The class is essential to wizards’ understanding of Muggles and facilitating good magical and non-magical relations. However, it is a bit strange from the readers’ perspective that students are required to study diagrams of Muggles lifting heavy objects and highlights the absence of practical (non-electric) technology in the Wizarding World. Under Lord Voldemort’s regime, the curriculum was perverted, and it was used to spread hate and vitriol.

11 Arithmancy

Taught By Professor Septima Vector


Arithmancy sounds very interesting, but this probably depends on whether the student has a mind for math.

The books never clearly explain what Arithmancy is, but it is generally agreed upon that it is a kind of magical math. The Harry Potter tie-ins suggest that Arithmancy is the practice of assigning numerical values to words. The suffix “-mancy” means “divination,” implying that discerning the future is also a part of the curriculum. It became Hermione’s favorite subject when she started taking it third year; Bill Weasely also would have taken the course as it is required to become a Gringotts curse-breaker. Arithmancy sounds very interesting, but this probably depends on whether the student has a mind for math.

10 Ancient Runes

Taught By Professor Bathsheda Babbling


This class teaches students how to decode the ancient alphabet that was used by ancient wizards, also covering some ancient wizarding culture. Hermione possibly has the chance to use her knowledge from this class in the months-long hunt for the Horcruxes; for instance, she is able to tell Harry that the Deathly Hallows symbol is not a rune. It is, in essence, a language class; like with how certain people have varying aptitudes for math, others are better at picking up new languages. It is a solid subject that has the potential to be complicated, depending on the grammar rules of this language.

9 Astronomy

Taught By Professor Aurora Sinistra


Like Ancient Runes, Astronomy is a very straightforward class that bears some of the strongest similarities to courses taught in the real world. The only difference is that students are expected not just to learn the names and movements of the stars and planets, but their magical effects. Like with subjects including runes, history, and Muggle Studies, the use of magic during lessons is not strictly necessary. Students may find it compelling or dull, but its uses are far-reaching. Scattered pieces of information in Harry Potter reveal that the movements of the stars have tangible effects on potions and spellwork.

8 Herbology

Taught By Professors Pomona Sprout & Neville Longbottom


People with a green thumb would definitely enjoy Herbology; others probably less so. Whether a student enjoys it or not, it’s a required class at Hogwarts for the first five years, as students have the option to drop most mandatory classes after that. In Herbology, students study magical plants and fungi, learning to care for and utilize various plant life. Many plants can be used for potions and medicine. The way the classes are described suggests that it is exhaustive work, but the uses of these plants come up at surprising moments in the story.

7 Care Of Magical Creatures

Taught By Professors Rubeus Hagrid, Silvanus Kettleburn, & Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank


Care of Magical Creatures is a hands-on elective, also available to be added to schedules in the third year. Students are taught how to feed, breed, and care for a wide range of magical creatures. Successful students can become Magizoologists, the chosen profession of Newt Scamander and Luna Lovegood. During the series, the course is somewhat inconsistent, as Hagrid loses some of his confidence after Draco Malfoy is attacked by Buckbeak and sticks to studying boring, non-threatening creatures. However, Harry and his peers do attend some amazing classes focusing on unicorns, Hippogriffs, Nifflers, and Thestrals.

It is revealed in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened that Hogwarts added a similar subject of Field Studies sometime in the 2010s. This class involves studying magical creatures in nature; students journey to specific locations for this purpose. The class was proposed by Archibald Eagleton, who was its first professor; it is later taught by Luna.

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6 Apparition

Taught By Instructor Wilkie Twycross


Apparition can be characterized as a very difficult course necessary to obtain an incredibly useful skill, as well as the certification needed to use it legally. A Ministry instructor comes to Hogwarts to teach the class over 12 weeks, at the end of which students over the age of 17 can take the test to get their Apparition license. Harry and many of his peers hate the class and brutally mock the instructor when he was not present. However, the rewards of passing the course are too great to write it off as not being worth the trouble.

5 Broom Flying

Taught By Madame Rolanda Hooch


Madame Hooch is responsible for teaching first-year students how to properly fly on broomsticks. Anyone who has watched a Quidditch scene can believe that this would be exhilarating, but maybe it is not the best class for someone who’s afraid of heights. In some lessons, students are taught how to use enchanted rings to guide their flight (a detail from the Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone video game); the course also covers broom maintenance.Harry Potter convinces the reader with no comparable experience that flying is amazing, and therefore, the class is too.

4 Potions

Taught By Professors Severus Snape & Horace Slughorn


Potions is a deeply fascinating subject and those who learn it well and accomplish a lot.

Potions was primarily written to be characterized as a magical chemistry class. Chemistry is vaguely interesting to those who are not experts in the field, but very difficult. Potions is the same — especially regarding learning the magical properties of different ingredients — although the concept of following a recipe from start to finish seems like it should be fairly simple. Potions is a deeply fascinating subject and those who learn it well and accomplish a lot. It is only made more difficult and unbearable by Professor Snape being terrible to any students not in Slytherin.

3 Defense Against The Dark Arts

Taught By Professors Quirinus Quirrell, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody (Barty Crouch Jr.), Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snape, & Amycus Carrow


Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) is extremely important to the story because the main characters are all directly involved in the war against Voldemort. DADA focuses on self-defense against dark creatures, spells, potions, charms. Students also learn offensive magic (dueling, for example) and counter-jinxes.

It is actually strange how important it is in the characters’ lives, because in the real world, most schools do not require students to take a self-defense class. However, DADA is one of the most practically-focused classes, and is engaging from every angle. It is telling that the only two times in the series someone who really knows the subject and makes the most basic effort to connect with their students (Professor Lupin in Prisoner of Azkaban and Harry in Order of the Phoenix) everyone loves the material.

2 Transfiguration

Taught By Professors Minerva McGonagall & Albus Dumbledore


This class is famously described by Professor McGonagall as “the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts.” It is very like Potions in this aspect; very difficult, but very interesting and rewarding. There are many forms of transfiguration, such as cross-species transfiguration and human transfiguration, as well as (relatively) more simplistic transfiguration of inanimate objects. The results of powerful transfiguration are awesome: James Potter was notably very talented in the subject during his time at Hogwarts and managed (in secret) to become an Animagus while underage, along with Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew.

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1 Charms

Taught By Professor Filius Flitwick


Professor Flitwick teaches students the science of charmwork, or how to master spells that add certain properties to an object or living being (not to be confused with transfigurations). Students begin by learning how to pronounce and execute textbook charms with their wands; there are a lot of details to get right. However, Charms is one of the classes that just sounds like the most fun: the skills acquired are far-reaching and widely applicable, students get to perform a lot of magic, and the teacher is one of the nicest at the school, making it likely the most enjoyable class in Harry Potter.

Harry Potter Franchise Poster

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a multimedia franchise about an orphaned boy who enrolls at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family, and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world. Adapted from the novels, Harry Potter is an eight-episode film saga that follows the journey of Harry Potter and his friends, Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, as they navigate the tricky world of growing up, school life, and magic. Starting from year one and moving to their seventh year, the films chronicle the students’ time at Hogwarts while unfurling a sinister plot that centers around the unsuspecting Harry. With the return of the dark wizard, Voldemort, the students and professors at Hogwarts will fight to carry on as the world around them may change forever. Harry Potter has expanded beyond the world of its films and novels with several video games, a spin-off film series titled Fantastic Beasts, and even attractions at Universal Studios.

Created by J.K. Rowling Cast Daniel Radcliffe , Emma Watson , Rupert Grint , Tom Felton , Alan Rickman , Matthew Lewis , Bonnie Wright , Evanna Lynch , Maggie Smith , Michael Gambon , Richard Harris , Ralph Fiennes , Helena Bonham Carter , Alfred Enoch , Harry Melling , Gary Oldman , Robert Pattinson , Warwick Davis , Oliver Phelps , James Phelps , David Bradley , David Thewlis , Katie Leung , Jason Isaacs , Imelda Staunton , David Tennant , Jamie Campbell Bower , Timothy Spall , Robbie Coltrane , Eddie Redmayne , Jude Law , Katherine Waterston , Ezra Miller , Dan Fogler , Alison Sudol , Johnny Depp , Mads Mikkelsen Character(s) Harry Potter , Hermione Granger , Ron Weasley , Dumbledore , Minerva McGonagall , Rubeus Hagrid , Dobby the House Elf , Draco Malfoy , Sirius Black , Ginny Weasley , Voldemort


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