9 Star Wars Planets That Are Perfect For Rey’s New Jedi Academy


  • Building Rey’s Jedi Temple on Ahch-To would honor her training with Luke and the planet’s deep connection to the Force.

  • The consideration of planets like Dantooine and Moraband adds complexity and history to Rey’s New Jedi Order.

  • Choosing Tython for the location of the temple would tie the New Jedi Order to the roots of the Force and Jedi teachings.


with the new Star Wars trilogy promising the return of the Jedi Order through Rey, one can only wonder where the temple might eventually be located. Daisy Ridley will return in an upcoming Star Wars film focused on his new Jedi Order, set 15 years later Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Writer-director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is currently working on the scripts and recently dropped some tantalizing hints.

According to Obaid-Chinoy, this will introduce Rey’s new Jedi Academy. For centuries, the main Jedi Temple was located on Coruscant. After Order 66, this temple was transformed into the Imperial Palace and the dark side nexus it crowned was unlocked. That means it’s surely unlikely that Rey will want to return to Coruscant, and here are some creative solutions for where the Jedi could start over, avoiding a simple return to Coruscant.

The Rise of Skywalker poster on the left and Rey smiling and looking to the right.
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9 A temple in Ahch-To would call back to Rey’s training

Rey could raise the next generation where she was trained


First seen at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens Ahch-To is the planet where Luke Skywalker lived in exile. Not only is the planet almost completely covered in water, but it was also the original birthplace of the Jedi. It was here that the First Jedi housed the Jedi Sacred Texts, and it was here that Luke Skywalker finally isolated himself from the Force.

Ahch-To was also the place where Rey began her full training, learning about the Force from Luke as her connection to Kylo Ren in the Force began to grow. It is a place with a deep connection to the Force, both dark and light, and likely has many mysteries yet to be discovered. By building his temple on Ahch-To, Rey would remember all of these things, as well as pay respect to Luke Skywalker’s final resting place.

8 Dantooine was home to an ancient Jedi temple

And played a major role in Star Wars Legends


Dantooine, a generally dry but grassy planet, was once home to an ancient Jedi Temple. In Star Wars Canon, the planet played an important role in the Galactic Civil War, and originally served as the location of the Rebellion’s first base. He had a much more important role in star wars legends, However, as the Jedi Temple could be seen in action in the form of the secret Jedi Enclave in the video game. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Operating much differently than the temple on Coruscant, the Jedi Enclave was a much more difficult institution that only accepted students with the greatest power in the Force. This is the place where Revan was trained for the second time, completing his Jedi training as an adult. If Rey built his temple on Dantooine, he could recover some of this content from the Extended Universe, or better yet, even canonize it.

Characters from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, edited on the logo.
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7 Ashas Ree Was Once Home To A Sith Temple

The Jedi built their temple on top of that of the Sith


Originally home to a dangerous Sith temple, Ashas Ree was once a planet plunged into the darkness of the Sith. However, when the Jedi arrived on the planet, they built their temple on top of that of the Sith, doing this to seal the darkness beneath the planet’s surface. This temple was once lost in time, but was rediscovered in Star Wars Resistance during the reign of the First Order.

The planet itself is sparsely populated and covered in dense forests. Now that the dangers of the Sith have been sealed, it would be a great place to show the history of the Jedi and what they can do to defeat the darkness. It would be the perfect place to hide another Jedi Temple, keeping potential students safe among the trees.

6 Elphrona Was Visited By Luke Skywalker And Ben Solo

Many Jedi artifacts are found on the planet


Elphrona has made a variety of different appearances in Star Wars comics and novels, each time directly linked to the history of the Jedi. The planet was home to a Jedi outpost during the High Republic Era, centuries before the Skywalker Saga. Because of this, Luke Skywalker and his, at the time, Padawan Ben Solo arrived on the planet in search of Jedi artifacts. They were not the only ones seeking these artifacts, as they came into direct conflict with the Knights of Ren on Elphrona, ultimately leading to the destruction of the outpost.

Because the planet, and more specifically the old outpost, are so steeped in history, it would be the perfect home for the New Jedi Order. Rey could rebuild what he once stood proudly on the planet’s surface, paving the way for a new generation. Not only this, but since this was also where Ben Solo found the helmet he used as Kylo Ren, it would also tie directly into Rey and Ben’s story in the previous trilogy.

5 Lothal has a deep connection to the Force

Star Wars Rebels planet has a connection to the Force


Making appearances on shows like Star Wars Rebels and ahsoka, Lothal is a planet that many viewers are familiar with. Located in the Outer Rim, Lothal was subjugated by the Empire during his reign and experienced many hardships during this time, until her liberation. It is also the homeworld of Ezra Bridger and once served as a base of operations for the crew of the Ghost.

In previous centuries, the Jedi established a temple on Lothal. What made this temple unique compared to the others was its connection to the mysterious World Between Worlds, allowing Jedi to influence the flow of time. With a connection to the World Between Worlds, building a temple on Lothal could be a powerful asset not only for Rey, but also for the New Jedi Order and the Jedi as a whole.

4 Moraband is an evil Sith world with a storied history

In ancient times it was called Korriban


Thousands of years before the fall of the Sith, Moraband, then known as Korriban, was once a planet filled with plants and wildlife. However, once the Sith took it over, it quickly became a desolate wasteland, poisoned by the influence of the dark side. This planet was once used as a graveyard for the Sith and is covered in morbid mausoleums, each reminiscent of the powerful Sith Lords and their evils, and is even a major landmark in Knights of the Old Republic.

There is already precedent for Jedi purifying Sith planets in the form of Ashas Ree, and she would be the perfect choice for Rey’s New Jedi Order. If Rey were to purify Moraband, a planet known for its power in the dark side, it would be an impressive feat. Life could return to the planet, leaving behind its history of death and decay.

3 The purifying exegol could become a convincing temple

Rey has a connection to the ancient Sith planet


Serving as the location of the final showdown in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Exegol is a mysterious Sith planet with direct ties to Rey’s history. Not only did he face her own grandfather, Darth Sidious, here, but it is also the planet where Ben Solo gave his own life to save hers. The planet is deeply tied to the enigmatic history of the Sith, is difficult to navigate to, and is capable of terrifying feats of Force magic. Star Wars He has already confirmed that Exegol was subsequently explored by archaeologists.

If Rey were to choose Exegol as the location of her Jedi Temple, she would have her work cut out for her. Not only would he need to purify it of his Sith influence, but he would also have to find a reliable way for his future Padawans to navigate on and off the planet. Regardless, it would be an interesting choice and would remove one more major Sith influence from the galaxy.

2 Ossus would be perfect to continue in Luke Skywalker’s footsteps

Luke’s temple was built on this green planet


First appearing in the sequel trilogy and then in The Boba Fett book, Ossus is a beautiful, lush planet that is teeming with life. It is the place where Luke Skywalker chose to build his own Jedi Temple, training initiates like Grogu and Ben Solo in the ways of the Force. This temple fell into tragedy when Luke attempted to kill Ben after feeling the dark side rising within him, leading Ben to kill those remaining in the temple.

Although the King herself was never trained in the temple of Ossus, creating a temple there could help rewrite the mistakes of the past. By training her own students on Ossus, she could continue what Luke started and promise not to make the same mistakes he made when training Ben Solo. This would help truly cement her as Luke’s successor and heir to the Skywalker name.

1 Tython is a Jedi planet shrouded in mystery

And developed further in the extended universe


Originally thought to be the home of the first Jedi Temple, Tython is an ancient planet filled with Force energy. Grogu and Din Djarin visited Tython at the behest of Ahsoka Tano, and it was here that Grogu meditated and unleashed the power of the Force within him. Tython is developed in more detail in the MMORPG. Star Wars, The Old Republic, where players can visit the temple of Tython and the Jedi who live there, although this game is part of the Star Wars legends continuity.

A New Jedi Order temple on Tython would link the Order to the Force and return the Jedi to their roots. There is a simplicity on the planet that Star Wars is often missing, and that would allow those who learn under Rey to focus on learning the ways of the Force and the dangers of the dark side. If Tython were used as the location for Rey’s temple, the ancient ways of the Jedi could return in a powerful way.

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